In this article, Father Liguori addresses the topic of the Fourth Commandment and the Church's teaching on how children are to honor and respect their parents. Click to read more.
Join us for the Sung Office of Compline, a venerable tradition in the Church's nightly prayers. This ancient form of night prayer, dating back to the early centuries of Christianity, will be celebrated in St. Joseph Historic Church. Experience the rich heritage of Compline through sacred chant, as we seek the peace and grace of our Lord at the close of the day. All are invited to partake in this beautiful and time-honored devotion.
Inviting all men of the parish and their sons to the upcoming Men's Rosary, which will take place on Saturday, October 12, 9 am, in the wooded lot next to the parish rectory. We will offer the Rosary in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We look forward to seeing you!
On Sunday, September 22nd at 2:30 pm, following the 12:30 pm Latin Mass, Schola Cantorum Director Rob Lappa will offer a one hour workshop on Gregorian Chant. Click to read more.
One of our TLM-parishioners of the FSSP Latin Mass in Ocala recently spoke to Bishop Pohlmeier regarding the possibility of having an additional Traditional Latin Mass near Gainesville. Click to read more.
For those of you who would like to learn more about singing the ancient neume notation used in Gregorian Chant, there are many books and videos currently available. Developing skills in singing chant is a beautiful and rewarding goal. Click to read more.
The Church expresses preference for burials, emphasizing respect and charity for the bodies of the deceased in faith and hope of the Resurrection. Click here to read more.
Join us for the Sung Office of Compline, a venerable tradition in the Church’s nightly prayers, on Friday, August 30, at 8 p.m. in the Historic Church.
Please note, for the months of July and August only, our First Sunday potlucks have been transferred to the Second Sundays due to scheduling conflicts with larger parish events needing to be scheduled during our regularly scheduled times. First Sunday potluck schedule will resume again as normal in September.
Join us for the Office of Compline (Completorium) which will be sung on Friday, June 28 at 8 pm in the Historic St. Joseph Church. The TLM Schola will be offering this beautiful sung vigil on eve of the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul.
Please join us this Sunday, June 2, at our First Sunday Potlucks! We will have a breakfast potluck after the 7:30 AM Mass and a lunch potluck after the 12:30 PM Mass. Hope to see you there!
"The Novena of Pentecost was first made by the Apostles, so that it is not only apostolical, but may even be called of divine institution, since the Apostles made it in obedience to a formal command of Jesus Christ...